Interim Rector Father Rob Rhodes


A word from Father Rob:

I am very excited to begin to share ministry with all of you at Epiphany.  It’s become clear to me that the Holy Spirit is at work there in many and varied ways, and also that there is among you a deep love of Christ, a desire to grow in his life and love, and a hunger to serve him in worship and in the poor, the suffering, and those in any kind of need. All of this resonates with the parts of ministry and life in Christ that matter most to me. I look forward to us learning and teaching each other: what Christ looks like in one another, who we are: Epiphany Church as a congregation, each of you as the Baptized, and myself as your priest, and who God has shaped each of us to be before God gave us to each other to be the Church together at Epiphany Church and the surrounding neighborhoods in Las Vegas. 

Contact Father Rob at



The Reverend Peter Steinbrenner

Reverend Peter Steinbrenner was ordained in 2022 to the Priesthood in the Diocese of Nevada.  He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Washington State University and Master of Science Degree from UCLA.  Prior to his ordination, Peter worked over 40 years in the electric power industry, both in engineering and in management. Peter and his wife Kathy are the proud parents of two children and three grandchildren. 

Contact Father Peter at

In Memoriam

The Reverend Dr. Vince O’Neil – Theologian Resident 


Deacon Sam Morford
“Go In Peace to Love and Serve the Lord.”

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