Dear Fellow Disciples,
It was wonderful to celebrate the arrival of Fr. Rob Rhodes a few weeks ago. We are
blessed to now have our Interim Rector working alongside all of us as we journey
forward to do the Lord’s work in the world. It has been especially heart-warming to hear
so many of you sharing your excitement.
I believe 2025 will prove to be a year of exciting developments and changes. While we
humans do not normally embrace change it is a necessary step to growth. The Vestry
will be working to develop, expand and solidify programs in the church. It is our goal to
be open to the needs and concerns of all parishioners. Over the coming weeks, you will
be introduced to each of the Vestry members and learn about the ministries to which
each member will be a liaison. Please know when you are asked for your feedback or
information on your ministry it is to understand how the Spirit is at work, and be able to
discern where the Spirit is leading us.
I invite each of you to reach out to me with your thoughts, dreams, concerns, ideas so
that it may be taken under consideration by the Vestry. Catch me any time I am around
on campus, via phone (home line listed in the Directory is best), or email:
debs88keys@verizon.net. At any time, please speak with any of your elected Vestry
members to introduce yourself and get to know them. Our names and faces are located
in the Narthex. We will be posting contact and liaison information soon.
As we continue in our parish Mission to, [by the power of the Holy Spirit], create and
nurture disciples to share our journey to know and to love Jesus Christ, please
prayerfully consider how you are currently a part of that mission or how you wish to be a
part of that mission going forward into the future. Together, in the Spirit we will serve to
expand the Kingdom of God as we Seek God – Live Christ – Share the Spirit.
In Christ’s Peace,
Deb Sullivan
Sr. Warden