For more information or to join us on our Outreach efforts, please contact us at


St. Jude Ranch for Children   The St Jude’s Ranch Ministry is suspending donations (cards, baby goods etc) until October 2024 when the new campus opens. There will be needs that we can meet for the Sex Trafficked young people. Monetary gifts are always needed and appreciated. Thank you so much for your support.


Angel Food:  The Angel Food Ministry brings meals to parishioners who have a temporary need due to a medical emergency or crisis. It is done on an as-needed basis. If you would like to join this important ministry, please see Laura Canon.


Food Bank at EpiCenter:  Collections taken first Sunday of each month. Your generosity is appreciated and has been noted by EpiCenter! You will find collection bins at the church entry.


Communities in Schools: CIS is dedicated to helping students stay in school. Epiphany is supporting the mission through regular donations of school supplies. Look for the yellow container at the church entry and see Laura C. with questions.


Family Promise “Just Neighbors”: Epiphany has long been a part of Family Promise. “Just Neighbors” is the new version of Family Promise. We will work with one family at a time and coordinate with social workers to help that family get back on their feet. If you would like to be part of this program and help our family become self-sufficient, contact Anita Galloway.


Nevadans for the Common Good: A non-denominational group of churches, mosques, synagogues and non-profit groups come together address the needs of the southern Nevada community.



Best Buddies: Best Buddies is the largest organization dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic isolation of the 200 million people worldwide with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Our programs empower people with IDD to form meaningful friendships with their peers, secure jobs, improve communication and advocacy skills, and live independently, while also offering support for their families.


Hope for Prisoners: Hope for Prisoners is committed to helping men, women and young adults successfully reenter the workforce, their families, and our community. HOPE for Prisoners works to empower the formerly incarcerated and their families to create a successful future built on strategic leadership and character development. By assisting those fighting for second chances, we strive to serve, build and strengthen our community.


Refugee Resettlement: Thank you, thank you to all who donated TP and silverware. As we have started to take inventory image our surprise to see we have only 6 boxes of Kleenex in our storage unit. For March we will need Kleenex and silverware. Our committee will be delivering your generous donations from 2023 on April 20th to our refugee families. We will share our story and our love with you in May. Betty-Jeanne and Marty.

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