If you are in need of pastoral care, please reach out to info@nvepiphany.org.
Prayer Shawl Ministry

“an abundance of calories & prayers”
Many of us know the Prayer Shawl group that meets every Wednesday at 9:30am. Most of us do not know how it came to be. Chair Kathy T says “Judy K and I were talking in the Narthex. She said, ‘I wish we had a prayer shawl ministry here’, and I replied ‘me too’”. I was appointed right then and there to chair it!”
The group began with 10 and has grown, at times topping 22 members, all knitting and crocheting. If you do not know how to do either just come one time and they will teach you. By the next week you will be knitting or crocheting – how about that!
Who funds this ministry? The members do. Each buys the needed yarn, and as prayer shawls are given out sometimes a check accompanies the thank you letter. They also accept donations of yarn.
As of this writing over 300 prayer shawls have been given out – the purple book right outside Ms Betty-Jeanne’s room show their history through pictures.
Kathy invites any and all men and women to join them each Wednesday to share in coffee, goodies and “an abundance of calories as we pray for others through our creations.”
Care and Calling
Visiting those who need fellowship where they are through home and hospital visits.
Church School Outreach
Epiphany’s Church School children have made this a priority outreach project since Haiti’s Earthquake in 2010. Fundraisers are done each year to send money to Haiti’s children for lunches and help pay for their teachers.
Angel Food
The Angel Food team arranges meals to be taken to those in need.