What does belonging to Epiphany mean to our members?
Why do we pledge?
Watch and learn more:
Revised 9.20.2020
Please contact Father Rick with any questions.
Q: What is stewardship?
A: We all receive gifts of the Spirit from God, also sometimes referred to as time, talent & treasure. Stewardship is returning a portion of those gifts back to the church with gratitude and thanksgiving for these gifts, and to help further God’s mission and ministry.
Q: What are time, talent & treasure?
A: Time is literally, YOUR time. None of us seem to have enough in today’s busy world. By sacrificing some of our time to support the different ministries of Epiphany, we are making an offering of this precious resource to God. Talent refers to the unique gifts we have been given by God. You may be a musician, a great cook, a landscape designer, a teacher, or a maybe you have a gift for listening to people and being a good friend. Sharing our talent with our church is a way we use the gifts we have been given as a way of showing gratitude. Treasure reflects the financial benefits we have in our lives. God has given us the means to earn our living, no matter what that is. Giving of our treasure means pledging our financial support to Epiphany to further its mission in the world.
Q: What is a pledge?
A: A pledge is a good faith promise you make to God and to Epiphany. It serves as a tangible reminder of our relationship with God and our desire to give back in thanks for our many blessings. Pledging also helps Epiphany formulate a budget and plan our mission and ministry activities for the year. Knowing that our church leadership can count on these pledges of time, talent & treasure helps to keep all these things going!
Q: How much should I give?
A: Give what brings you joy and know that Epiphany will use it wisely for God’s wonderful ministry. Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure support our efforts in worship and preaching, outreach to those in need, and spiritual development for children and adults.
Q: How do I give financially?
A: Your gift may be given weekly, monthly, or annually. You can put a check in the mail or use our online giving tool that allows you to use a debit or credit card, or automatically debit your bank account. You can also set up your giving via PayPal:
Q: Is our information kept confidential?
A: The only people who see the pledge information are the Priest and the Treasurer.
Q: How can I pledge this year?
A: We have many ways that you can make your pledge. A letter with pledge card will be mailed to you – that card can be returned by mail or delivered to Epiphany. While pledges will be accepted anytime during the campaign, pledge ingathering Sunday will be November 1, All Saints Day. NEW THIS YEAR, you can pledge online by using our form found here. The only people who see the pledge information are the Priest and the Treasurer.